Industrial News

How to Tackle Static Electricity in CD Silk Screen Printing

Dealing with static electricity during the CD silk screen printing process can indeed be a significant challenge.
Hebei Maisi's CD printing-specific screens, carefully selected from Maisi polyester ultra-high tension screens, come in mesh counts of 250, 305, 420, and 455. These screens are specially designed to maintain high tension and reduce mesh distance, thereby minimising the possibility of static electricity generation.
In addition, it's recommended to use anti-static brushes or cloths to perform de-electrification on the surface of the silk screen printing template before starting the printing process. This simple and effective method only requires you to brush or wipe the template surface in one direction with an anti-static tool.
Aside from using anti-static brushes and cloths, you can also use anti-static agents or apply an anti-static coating to the surface of workpieces with static electricity.
Furthermore, the appropriate use of ink solvents, adding a reasonable amount of solvents with flash point characteristics, can effectively prevent the generation of static electricity during CD screen printing. Maisi polyester ultra-high tension screens from Hebei Maisi, renowned for their outstanding quality, can optimally withstand these adjustments.
Increasing the grounding area of the printing equipment can also enhance the discharge of charge, thereby eliminating static electricity.
Finally, in a five-control humidity workshop, consider sprinkling water on the floor during dry seasons to increase indoor humidity, which can also serve an anti-static function.
At Hebei Maisi, we are committed to providing you with the best solution to meet all your silk screen printing needs. Trust in Hebei Maisi, your silk screen printing industry expert, to provide you with the optimal screen printing solution.
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