Industrial News

What are the advantages of screen printing over other printing methods

Have you ever wondered what sets screen printing apart from other printing methods? Today, MAISHI Group will explore the distinctive advantages of screen printing that make it a preferred choice for various applications.
Printing on Various Substrates:
Screen printing surpasses other methods by allowing printing on not only flat surfaces but also curved, spherical, and convex substrates. This versatility extends to both hard and soft materials, providing a wide range of possibilities. Additionally, screen printing offers the flexibility of direct and indirect printing, accommodating diverse application needs.
Thick Ink Layer and Rich Texture:
One of the key advantages of screen printing is its ability to create a thick ink layer, resulting in a visually striking three-dimensional effect and rich texture. Unlike other printing methods, screen printing allows for ink layer thicknesses of up to approximately 40 microns. This unique feature adds depth and visual impact to printed materials.
Versatile Ink and Coating Options:
Screen printing stands out due to its compatibility with various inks and coatings. Whether it's paste, adhesives, or pigments of different sizes, screen printing can handle them all. Furthermore, the ink preparation process is simple, allowing for direct mixing of pigments. Screen printing products also exhibit exceptional light resistance, making them ideal for outdoor advertising and signage.
Large Area Printing:
Unlike other printing methods that have size limitations, screen printing offers the advantage of large-area printing. With capabilities of up to 3.65 meters or even larger, screen printing ensures that your designs can be realized on a grand scale.
MAISHI is a leading manufacturer of premium screen printing mesh. Welcome to contact us if you are interested.
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