Industrial News

What pre-treatment is required for printing screens

What pre-treatment is required for printing screens?
Printing screens can accumulate dust and oil, which can affect the adhesion between screens and photosensitive adhesive. MAISHI can help you determine the pre-treatment required for your printing screens.
There are generally two methods used for pre-treatment:
Physical treatment involves grinding pumice and silicon carbide into powder form to mechanically treat the surface of the screens. Alternatively, silicon carbide powder with particle sizes below 20 microns can be used.
Chemical treatment involves using phenol, cresol, and phosphoric acid corrosion agents to roughen the screen's surface and achieve a tight combination with the photosensitive adhesive. However, it can easily damage the screens, so extra care is necessary.
Printing screens can also be cleaned with de-esterification cleaning methods to effectively remove oil stains, dust, and other substances on the surface of the screens.
MAISHI MFG's printing screen product series can meet different printing needs. We have been producing top-quality products for filtration and screen printing purposes since 1986, including high-quality stainless steel and synthetic woven mesh products.
Contact us, to find the best printing screen solutions for your business.

PREVIOUS: What do S, T, and HD represent in the printing screen industry


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