Industrial News

What do S, T, and HD represent in the printing screen industry

What do S, T, and HD represent in the printing screen industry?
When it comes to printing screens, S, T, and HD are three important terms to understand. But what do they mean? MAISHI is here to help you choose the right printing screen mesh for your needs.
S represents "S" type printing screen mesh, which has a thin wire diameter and larger mesh openings. It is ideal for reproducing artwork and for photoengraving.
T represents "T" type printing screen mesh, which has a thicker wire diameter than S type and smaller mesh openings. It is perfect for creating images or text with blocks of color or lines.
HD represents "HD" type printing screen mesh, which has the thickest wire diameter and smallest mesh openings. It is used for creating patterns made up of thick lines.
For example, 77 T represents a 77 mesh count T type printing screen mesh, while 90 HD represents a 90 mesh count HD type printing screen mesh.
At MAISHI MFG, we offer a range of printing screen mesh products, including polyester, nylon, and stainless steel mesh.
Contact us today, to discover the difference that MAISHI MFG can make for your business.

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