Tech Text

The application and characteristics of regular polyester mesh

Polyester mesh has strong acid resistance, wear resistance and long service life. For example, the polyester mesh produced by the regular manufacturer maishi has strong tensile properties. Widely used in asphalt waterproof materials, sewage treatment, mining, printing, and food industries.

The fiber state of the regular polyester mesh ethylene terephthalate, strictly speaking, the polyester mesh cannot be called a non-woven fabric, but the non-woven fabric using the polyester mesh as a raw material of the non-woven fabric is also called a polyester mesh. Non-woven fabric, also known as polyester mesh.

Polyester mesh polyester mesh and polyester mesh

 polyester do not have the ability to absorb moisture, and the gas permeability is particularly poor. After a long period of time, it is easy to fluff after repeated friction, and the polyester fiber material of polyester mesh is due to each fiber. It is independent, which effectively improves the shortcomings of polyester, has very good water content, good gas permeability, easy dyeing, dirt and dust resistance.

The regular polyester mesh and the petroleum product have a very good adsorption effect on the asphalt, and at the same time, the adsorbent is well dispersed, and has a relatively good adsorption effect in the asphalt adsorption work of the petroleum industry.

The regular polyester mesh guarantees the use of the factory. If you are interested, you can communicate with us.

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