Ultra-dense Stainless steel printing mesh manufacturer

The famous place to produce wire mesh in China is Hebei Anping. It is called "the hometown of wire mesh" in China and the world. There are many manufacturers. The maishi manufacturing group, which has a long history, high quality and regular scale, is one of them. Its ultra-precision stainless steel screen printing mesh is certified by the state's most advanced authority. Have a special certificate.

Ultra-precision Stainless steel printing mesh manufacturer's stainless steel wire mesh features: stainless steel printed wire cloth requires the mesh to be square, the adjacent two diameter

 lines are 90 degrees, high permeability. The mesh surface is flat, no joint wire knot The mesh is uniform, the friction intensity is high, the tensile recovery rate is small, acid and alkali resistance, and the strength is not changed by the ultraviolet light. The stainless steel printed silk cloth is also commonly called ultra-thin silk cloth.

Uses: Stainless steel printing mesh silk cloth is suitable for direct plate making, the surface is curved surface printing products, such as: glass, ceramic, metal, plastic, rubber, printed circuit, etc. It is especially suitable for use in harsh environments, multi-color overprinting, batch printing, tone Printing, precision printing are suitable.

With more than 30 years of experience, the maishi manufacturing group is one of the top Chinese manufacturers. It has been a trusted product for many foreign customers for many years.

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