Industrial News

Screen printing glass is a concern

There are many types of printed glass, which are suitable for various places. The application prospect is very broad. It is loved by many consumers. Many glass manufacturers use the emerging screen printing screen printing. Then the common problem in use is how much is the ink for glass screen printing? The choice of printing screen or the use of attention?
First select the correct screen material
Generally speaking, the thickness and shape of the substrate and the requirements for printing effects are different. The screen material used is not necessary, even for silk screen glass. Thick glass and thin glass have different printing patterns with high accuracy and low accuracy In order to use different materials, common materials are silk, nylon, metal and polyester. When selecting the material, it is determined according to the requirements of the substrate and silk screen.
What is the temperature of glass screen printing ink
High temperature glass ink
High temperature tempered glass ink
The sintering temperature is 720-850 ° C. After high temperature tempering, the ink and glass are firmly fused together. Widely used in architectural curtain wall, automobile glass, home appliance glass, etc .;
2.Tempered glass ink
Tempered glass ink is strengthened by instant baking and instant cooling at a high temperature of 680 ℃ -720 ℃, which fuses glass pigment and glass body to achieve color adhesion and durability. The colored and strengthened glass is rich in color and glass. The structure is strong and strong, safe, and has a certain resistance to atmospheric corrosion, good corrosion resistance and hiding power.
3. Glass baking ink
High temperature baking, sintering temperature is about 500 ° C. Widely used in glass, ceramics, sports equipment and other industries.
4. Low temperature glass ink
Concave plate and color crystal ink, after baking at 100-150 ℃ for 15 minutes, the ink has good adhesion and strong solvent resistance.
5. Ordinary glass ink
Dry naturally, the surface drying time is about 30 minutes, and the actual time is about 18 hours. Suitable for printing on all kinds of glass and polyester stickers.
The above are the issues that should be paid attention to during the glass screen printing process explained by China's top manufacturing MAISHI. We are a large screen printing manufacturer. Support wholesale, please contact if you are interested!

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