Industrial News

Screen printing mesh market prospects and learning skills

Screen printing mesh market prospects and learning skills

Screen printing mesh can be printed on: hardware, plastic, paper, bamboo, glass, leather, ceramics and many other aspects. It is also widely used. It can be said that almost any solid product can be used as a screen printing substrate. The market prospects and learning skills of screen printing networks are also a concern of many consumers. What is the prospect of screen printing? Is it eager to learn? Let's learn from it, so that we can better use it and serve us.

Market prospects of screen printing meshs: Professionals who have been engaged in screen printing meshs for many years tell us that for investors, screen printing mesh is a promising project, and the profit margin of screen printing is generally 40%-50%. between. Therefore, the market gap is large. On the contrary, the amazing high profit does not require high investment. Screen printing is suitable for both small-scale production and large-scale operation. It can be invested in thousands of yuan, and one or two people can invest in production and investment. Millions of dollars are also useful.

Learning skills: Mastering the learning skills of screen printing meshs is very simple. Silk screen printing is not a difficult skill. For those who work in various jobs, as long as you have patience! People with junior high school education are generally within half a month. You can master the basic skills of silk screen printing. The screen printing net can be used more easily and simply after the learning skills are completed.

PREVIOUS: What are the characteristics of printed mesh?

NEXT:The printing network process is basically as follows

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