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Silk screen printing yarn components and working principle

Screen printing mesh yarn is mainly composed of five elements at the time of printing: silk screen printing plate, doctor blade, printing ink, printing equipment and substrate.

Screen printing mesh printing works: screen printing mesh screen is a very important element, by drawing graphics or text on the screen to form ink penetrating mesh and impermeable mesh. During printing, a hydrophilic ink or non-hydrophilic ink is poured on one side of the screen, and then a doctor blade is used to move the screen onto the substrate on the other end. There is a certain gap between the screen printing plate and the substrate. During the movement of the blade, the screen plate has a certain pressure, so that the pressing portion of the screen plate is in full contact with the substrate and is printed on the surface thereof. After the squeegee moves to another place, there is a certain gap between the printed area and the screen. This is because the screen has a good tension, so the tension of the screen is very important, and the tension-free screen cannot be printed accurately. After the scraper's movement was completed, he raised the screen and his colleagues screen printing screen was also lifted. At this point, one stroke of the printing was completed.

Through the above introduction I believe that we have understood the working principle of the entire screen printing mesh printing, we understand the working principle can be more rational use of screen printing mesh yarn and production of silk screen printing plate.

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